Product Development Intern @ Eventsheet

Multiple Creative Component


Build a standalone component that can upload multiple mixed creative (photos and videos) so that users can see which combination of media has the best performing ad.




Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Figma

Key Features:

  1. Has an upload button that will allow user to upload multiple files of relevant types.
  2. Shows list of thumbnails of items the user has uploaded.
  3. Gives the ability to delete media after it's been uploaded.
  4. Matches style and design of company branding.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Gained knowledge of Nuxt.js routing and component creation.
  2. Practiced design matching in development and the importance of branding.
  3. Used custom API to save, update, and delete media assets.
  4. Learned about integrating a new component into an existing code base.

Spline Globe


Integrate a 3D globe created with Spline into all auth layouts such as login, signup, request, and reset pages.




Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Spline, Figma

Key Features:

  1. Standalone component that can be integrated into multiple pages in the app.
  2. Component consists of a reactive state for user interaction.
  3. Utilizes spline runtime tool to inject 3D model into a canvas element.
  4. Logo color and styling updated on auth pages.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Learned about spline integration with Nuxt.js.
  2. Practiced using async functions with JavaScript.
  3. Gained experience with reactive elements.
  4. Furthered my understanding of Nuxt.js components and how to structure them.